Damon leaving Mystic Falls without getting Elena a chance to decide wich brother she wants to be with

Dear Elena!
When you are reading this letter, I am leaving the town. Please, don’t try to find me, I don’t want to be found.
Sorry for taking the choice away from you, but this is for the best. You are better off without me, all our history confirms this pity fact.
I leave you knowing that you are in better hands. My brother deserves you, he’s a good guy, a guy the girl like you can live a life with. I hope you will be happy, because that’s why I am doing this.
I want you to know - you did the impossible thing. You found my humanity where nobody else could, you were my light in the dark existence I dragged out. You found the best of me, something I didn’t know I was still keeping deep inside. I’ll try to remember all the lessons you’ve taught me, and be the better man you saw once in my eyes. You do your part too: you need to promise me that you’ll make chilli the way I showed you (it was more tasty, wasn’t it?).
I love you, I always will. The summer we shared was the best thing that ever happen to me in 165 years.
Take care about yourself, or at least let others to do it instead (it works better).
Forever yours, Damon

 Gente, eu peguei essa carta de um tumblr que eu sigo, e se isso for verdade que o Damon deixa Mystic Falls assim, cara tipo, não tenho palavras para descrever oque eu sinto. Será que assim acabará a 3ª temorada? Damon deixará Mysti Falls e Elena para sempre? Ao ler essa carta eu desabei em chorar, aki mesmo na frente de meu computador. Isso não poderia acontecer, os três poderiam viver felizes juntos niguém teria que ir embora. Mas ao mesmo tempo fico feliz e triste pelo Damon, pois ele amava ela, e ele conseguiu resucitar a sua humanidade que estava perdida a anos com a ajuda dela, e ao mesmo tempo fico triste por ele desistir dela, seei que ele está tentando fazer ela feliz, mas e ele? A felicidade não importa?

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